We Never Went To The Moon - America's Thirty Billion Dollars Swindle

Photos, ticker-tape parades, a bag of rocks and other superficial items are not proof the Apollo program was real

During the summer of 1969, Bill Kaysing was living in a small house on the beach in Santa Barbara, California. A fanfare of newspaper stories heralded the launch of astronauts to the moon. Soon, TV screens would flicker with barely discernible pictures of moonwalkers.

But despite a 7-year stint at Rocketdyne, the firm that built the main propulsion units for Apollo, he could not work up the least bit of interest in the entire astrophysical circus not even to the extent of reading an article or watching the most exciting moments on the boob tube. Why, he wondered.

Bill decided not to believe that Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin or anyone else was going to the moon. And consequently, he could not generate the least enthusiasm for watching a phoney performance.

From whence did this odd idea come, he wondered. He had not really given the Apollo program much thought in the years since leaving Rocketdyne. Call it a hunch, an intuition; information from some little understood and mysterious channel of communication, a metaphysical message. While tenuous and ephemeral at its source, it was strong and vivid in its form. In short, a true conviction.

As the years passed, Bill found himself comparing the Apollo flights to many other incidents in American life. Watergate was an outstanding example and a striking point of comparison. Here was a case of leaders presenting one face to the public while another was completely hidden; a Machiavellian duplicity that has shocked many people and shattered their complacency.

The energy ‘crisis’ was another Apollo simulation. Here, an entire industry created an artificial shortage to ram the price increases down the throats of resisting but still gullible consumers. But, as Lincoln so wisely said, you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Now was the time to ask some questions of NASA regarding their Apollo program, questions that Bill found continually badgering his mind. Questions like, why didn’t the astronauts make some visible signal from the moon? It would have been relatively easy to touch off some hypergolic chemicals, beam a laser to a mirror on earth, create a pattern with lightweight black dust or provide some other means of definitely proving that they were really there. Relying on an easily simulated picture on TV was the least believable means of “proof”.

Why did the Dutch papers, circa 1969, question the authenticity of the moon landing? And more importantly, why did the American press ignore the otherwise interesting sidelight?

Why is It that NASA’s Apollo records are not classified, but are also not available to the general public? In a letter to Bill from the present head of technical publications of Rocketdyne, there is this comment: “Why did so many astronauts end up as executives of large corporations? Was this their real reward for the moon trip”?

“Apollo material not classified but unavailable to the public.” ~ Bill Kaysing
Why did some astronauts die in accidents, others suffer brain damage, and, others have nervous breakdowns? Was this rate of attrition higher than should be expected for this type of carefully selected and trained individual? Did it relate to the high incidence of departure of witnesses to the Kennedy murder?

Photos, ticker-tape parades, a bag of rocks and other superficial items do not provide adequate answers to the questions posed above, or to those presented below.

Did you know? There was never a mention of gold, silver, diamonds or other precious metals on the moon? Wasn’t this a viable consideration? Why was this fact never discussed in the press or by the astronauts?

The Chinese were the first to discover rockets around 700 A.D

Rockets were used specifically for celebrations and weapons. The type of rocket used by the Chinese and later by the English for warfare were solid propellant types. Not until the 20th Century was the possibility of using more efficient but more complex liquid propellant systems.

A lone-wolf American experimenter, Robert Goddard pursued the science of liquid propelled rockets in the 1920s and early 1930s. He achieved most of the Initial successes in this field. This caught the attention of war-oriented Germans. All through the ’30s, Von Braun and other German scientists diligently studied and experimented with liquid propelled rockets. Their efforts resulted in the deadly but inconclusive V-2. Thousands of these sophisticated (at that time) rockets were launched and landed with often devastating results in England.

The Germans with their modest success in rocket science notwithstanding were defeated by the Russians and Americans, who carted as much material and as many men as they could carry away from German test and development sites.

This formed the nucleus of all subsequent rocket development activity in both countries. The major emphasis was on liquid propellants, despite its temperamental nature. One of the most severe problems, particularly for U.S. rockets, was combustion instability.

This phenomenon is a result of combustion at high flow rates.

When hundreds of pounds of propellant are burned in a short time, strange effects take place. Acoustic transients present in this type of “continuous explosion” can trigger resonant conditions.

In other words, the high noise levels (as much as 150 DB) cause anomalies in propellant burning. Standing waves possessing high kinetic content flashback and forth within the chamber. In microseconds, these waves can concentrate high temperatures at certain points within the rocket chamber, burning the thin walls through and causing total engine failure.

Bill was a witness to many rocket engines tests at the Santa Susana lab; he saw many failures, blowups and premature engine cutoffs due to incipient disaster. Even after the relatively modest Atlas engine cluster was accepted by the Air Force for use in the Atlas ICBM, failures occurred with repeated regularity.

The United States government experience in secret operations

For the Apollo simulation program to be successful on a large scale, it was necessary to draw upon many decades of secret operations experience. In this field, the U.S. was and still is pre-eminent.

Probably the most famous and certainly the first major post-WWII secret operation to be exposed was the revelation that the U.S. government was active in high altitude spying. Until this story broke during the reign of the Golf King, Ike Eisenhower, most Americans believed that the U.S. was almost lily-white in espionage.

While we all recognized that spying went on, it was thought to be parallel in nature to the immaculate conception: fun, but not too much fun, and certainly done with a high level of sanitation.

Thus, the shock effect was great, and greater still, because of the personality of the leader who had to swallow his own lies. The great war hero and patriarch, Eisenhower. For him to tell a fib was as startling as learning that the Pope had something going with a Vatican file clerk.

A U-2, high altitude photographic reconnaissance plane with CIA pilot Gary Powers at the controls, was shot down by a Russian SAM missile on May 1, 1960. The position was about 1200 miles inside the Russian border. Eisenhower had personally approved of the development of the plane and flights had been taking place for about four years.

On May 5, Kruschev announced that an American plane had been shot down inside Soviet territory. Washington countered with announcements of their own:
Lie number 1: A NASA weather plane, on a flight inside Turkey, had been missing since May 1 after the pilot reported oxygen trouble; perhaps it had drifted a bit...

Lie number 2: The pilot was identified as F.G. Powers, a civilian employed by Lockheed Aircraft.

Lie number 3: State Department spokesman Lincoln White declared: “Now, our assumption is the man blacked out. There was absolutely NO deliberate attempt to violate Soviet air space. There has never been.”

The State Department admitted that the flight was for spy purposes but — Lie number 4 — It had not been authorized by Washington. This was another big whopper since Eisenhower had not only initiated the entire program, he approved the flight schedules!

Finally, on May 9, Eisenhower, through the State Department, reversed himself, admitted the spy flights, and took responsibility. Later, after he left office, he said: “The lie we told about the U-2 was my greatest regret. I didn’t realize how high a price we were going to have to pay for that lie. And if I had to do it over again, we would have kept our mouths shut.”

This is a key statement; not that the lie was dishonest, just that they would have said nothing. That would make it alright?

There are other secret missions of the United State government.

For example, Guatemala: In 1954, the CIA financed and organized a coup against the leftist regime of President Guzman. As a force of CIA P47s bombed Guatemala City, Henry Cabot Lodge, Eisenhower's ambassador to the UN, denied any U.S. involvement.

Bay of Pigs, Cuba: The most familiar of all CIA fiascos, this abortive attempt to de-Castro Cuba cost the lives of quite a few participants and severely embarrassed a new president. Planned, funded and executed by the CIA, it did nothing so well as expose the clandestine organization for the inept group that it was at that time.

Unraveling the Apollo program lies

Recognizing that ASP could cover their tracks like the CIA agents who concealed the murders of President Kennedy, the author made an unusual effort to find clues that would indicate a simulation took place. Here is a brief review:

Looking closely at both of the purported moon landing shots. Despite the fact that the lunar landing engine was reported to have been operating beyond touchdown, there is NO evidence of the surface being disturbed beneath the engine nozzle!

In the many pictures shared by NASA, the soil show signs of composition. The upper part is quite different from the lower. And there are no stars in the background.

Possibly the most damning picture of all was the view of the LEM with no trace whatsoever of any disruption of the surface by the LEVI landing engine. From experience, in any kind of rocket firing, the blast from the exit nozzle will devastate the area nearby. And there were still no stars in the lunar sky.

Anomalies in Neil Armstrong fake photo:
• No dust on face shield or in the environment although there would have been if they had truly landed on the moon.
• Light is ostensibly from the sun behind Aldrin, and yet his faceplate is illuminated. If so, where is the source of illumination? It would have shown in faceplate from the position of the cameraman Armstrong whether flash or floodlight.
• There were no stars in the lunar sky.
• Exposure to the sun on the moon produces the temperature of molten lead plus. In the shadow, temperatures go to virtually absolute zero. No indication of this extreme contrast was shown in the pictures shared by NASA.
• No dust on face shield or in the environment in the pictures of the purported moon shared by NASA. There would have been if they had truly landed on the moon.

Furthermore, a test farm was built for radiation containment, according to the Apollo program. This looks highly unlikely, more probably a cover for the moonset. There is a striking similarity between the background in the farm view, and the NASA shot purporting to be from the moon.

“2001”: the answer to the visual aspect of simulation.

The film, “2001, A Space Odyssey”, is considered to be the plus ultra of all science fiction movies concerned with space. It began in the summer of 1965 at about the time when those who really knew what was happening to the Apollo project began to make their final decisions.

Filming of “2001” continued for two and a half years, and its budget was increased from six million dollars to almost 10.5 million!

A total of 205 special effects shots, encompassing a period of one and a half years, was an ingenious cover utilized by ASP. It is possible that even more than $4.5 million was given to the Kubrick coalition to finance the most perfect space sequences ever shown.

While “2001” was being filmed, Kubrick and his crew consulted with nearly 70 industrial and aerospace corporations, universities, observatories, weather bureaus, laboratories and other institutions to ensure that the film would be technically accurate. Had this been done for ASP without the cover of “2001”, much suspicion would have been directed toward those making the inquiries.

Another aspect of the release of “2001” in 1968 is this: The film prepared the American people for filmed versions of space exploration. It would be a simple transition from a huge manned orbiting lab gyrating to strains of the “Blue Danube” (as in “2001”), to the relatively prosaic view of two men taking a stroll on the “moon."

The Apollo Simulation Project (ASP)

Once the decision to simulate all moon voyages was made, NASA and the Defense Intelligence Agency moved swiftly. A code name was created: ASP (Apollo Simulation Project), and the effort was divided into the following tasks:

1. Secret top-level organization and management.
2. Intensive security, including counter-intelligence.
3. Undercover procurement of personnel.
4. Clandestine equipment design, manufacture, installation, and operation.
5. Coverup communications, including wiretaps and taping.
6. Covert planning and special projects (Aerospace “plumbers”).

Secret top-level organization and management: Since WWIL it has not been unusual for the United States to create special groups for clandestine political tasks. All are descended from the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the brainchild of William J. Donovan. He convinced Roosevelt in 1942 that the U.S. needed a special organization to conduct secret intelligence activities, engage in special operations, wage psychological warfare and use any means to undermine the enemy’s morale and interests.

One of the most sophisticated activities of OSS was research on subjects of strategic interest. In this effort, they drew upon such high – level organizations as the Office of Scientific Research and Development led at one time by Vannevar Bush. Bush was a leading scientist associated with the Manhattan District.

Although the OSS was disbanded after the war, personnel of three of its branches was kept on duty and incorporated into the new Federal intelligence structure. On January 22, 1946, President Truman issued an executive letter establishing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The ASP group: In 1961, the overall direction of ASP was coordinated under the aegis of a new federal entity, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). As cited by L. B. Kirkpatrick in the book “The U.S. Intelligence Community”, the DIA was “conceived as an organization to assist in the coordination of the military contributions of the nation.”

Obviously, the DIA was expertly contrived to “help” NASA with their technical problems by establishing a totally simulated moon mission. After all, as most aerospace insiders know, the Apollo project was actually a military mission to determine the feasibility of using the moon as a military base of operations against foreign powers. Furthermore, almost 75% of all NASA effort was basically military — not space!

Technical areas: The NTS technical or experimental areas are contained in two desert basins called Yucca and Frenchman Flats and in Rainier, Buckboard, and Pahute Mesas. Timing and firing equipment for most nuclear detonation experiments is located in the main Control Point (CP-1), a complex of permanent facilities about 20 miles north of Mercury, Nevada. The Control Point is located on the crest of Yucca Pass between Yucca and Frenchman Flats.

Frenchman Flat is the dry lake basin just north of Mercury. The first nuclear test series in Nevada was conducted there. In subsequent years, the area was used primarily for civil effects tests and military experiments conducted to determine the effects of nuclear detonations on structures, military materiel, communications facilities, and transportation equipment. Many battered structures built for effects studies still stand in the dry lake bed. In recent years Frenchman Flat has been used only for occasional underground tests.

Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field, CP-1, Area 12 Camp, temporary camps, and a number of construction support centers.

Mercury (Area 23), headquarters for NTS and a major support facility is about five miles north of U.S. Highway 95 which runs from Las Vegas toward Reno. (The Federal Government funded $9,000,000 of a $10,000,000 construction program completed in 1965 for making a four-lane divided highway between NTS and Las Vegas.

Camp Desert Rock (Area 22) was a U.S. Sixth Army installation used to house troops taking part in military exercises at NTS involving atmospheric nuclear detonations. Its real estate was added to the Test Site in 1964, and its airstrip was extended to 7,500 feet to serve NTS.

Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field, a satellite facility of Nellis Air Force Base at Las Vegas, is about 24 miles southeast of Mercury. It is used in part for basing aircraft assigned for NTS operational and technical support.

The Area 12 Camp offers warehousing, overnight housing, and a cafeteria for personnel working in the northern part of NTS.

Clandestine equipment design, manufacture installation and operation: simulation hardware and secret base

Once a base was established, and security in effect, the preparation of simulation equipment could begin.

A complete set of the moon was built in an underground cavern at the ASP base. Every location that would be used for landings was created in exact detail. This elaborate sound stage was code-named Copernicus, after one of the lunar craters. It soon earned the name “Cuss” because of problems in lighting and sound.

In addition, scale models of the earth, sun, moon and other bodies were carefully built and mounted within a planetarium-like device so that they could be positioned and photographed with accuracy, repeatability, and believability.

The underground sound stage resembled those at a major Hollywood studio complete with overhead catwalks for lighting, camera dolly tracks, and other basic filming and TV equipment. In addition, there were a plethora of special effects tools, including high-intensity lighting, to imitate the harsh glare of sunlight on the airless moonscape.

All scenes of the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM)were filmed on this set with the astronauts as “stars.”

There were no more problems than would appear during the filming of “Star Trek”, “2001, A Space Odyssey”, or “Silent Running”. After all, Hollywood grips and gaffers, cameramen and directors had acquired long experience in science fiction film production. A plus for the project was the advantage of filming silent. All voices and equipment sounds were dubbed in by an elaborate sound creation and dubbing studio immediately adjacent to the moonset.

In the film “Diamonds Are Forever”, with Sean Connery playing the role of Agent 007 — James Bond, there is a curious and unexplained scene. He enters a secret research facility in the

Nevada desert by the ruse. Suddenly he finds himself in a large room in which there is an authentic moon landscape. Lumbering about in their clumsy space suits are two would-be astronauts. Nothing happens, the scene is not explained, and the viewer is left to ponder Its significance. Could it be...? Yes, it could!

Simulation propulsion hardware.

The term “hardware” became a standard term in the aerospace industry for anything that was not stored in a file cabinet or recorded on tape. In short, it meant anything that was manufactured: from an Automatically controlled solenoid to an IDIOT (Intermediate Digital On-Line Transducer).

From the date of the decision to simulate, a modified hardware program was conducted. For example, the Saturn C-5 moon rocket assembly was built to specifications with one major modification: instead of the totally unreliable F-l engines, five booster engines of the more dependable B-l type as used in the C-l cluster for the Atlas missile were used.

Coverup communications, including wiretaps and taping.

Although the most critical element from the standpoint of press and public relations interface, simulated communications and printed data were technically the simplest to produce.

Russia was the only nation that had the sophisticated tracking radar capable of following Apollo and thus sabotaging the simulation. But Russia was planning extensive commercial exchange with the U.S. and intelligently recognized that they would gain no real advantage by destroying the U.S. myth. After all, their space program had always been ahead of the U.S, and this fact was well-established worldwide.

The presentation of “on-scene” data was divided into these categories:
1. Visual presentations to the public or uncleared personnel.
• Launch
• Re-entry (Although out of sight of carrier crews)
2. Radio transmissions during launch, trip to the moon, exploration, and return.
3. TV transmission from the moon.
4. Still pictures; black and white and color.

Visual presentations: Hair-raising for the simulators but most convincing to the public were the launches. After all, if people could drive to the Cape, park and see an immense rocket lift itself off the pad, was this not the ultimate proof that a trip was, indeed, being made to the moon itself? The fact that once out of sight, the vehicle traveled a sub-orbital trajectory to the south polar sea (and jettisoned), did not diminish in any way the blazing glory of the launch to the moon.

The return to the earth by the astronauts in their re-entry module was far less risky than the launch. This was true since it was effected by dropping the module from a C-5A cargo plane. Just prior to this drop, they were picked up at a super-secret, well camouflaged island south of Hawaii.

Radio transmissions: Of utmost simplicity, once installed and checked out, was the radio data transmitted “from” the moon vehicle. The secret leased, and well-secured telephone lines were connected to the antennae inputs of all space communications centers. These included the major tracking stations in Australia, Africa and the west coast of the United States.

To accommodate amateur radio operators who might want to tune in, identical broadcasts were made from an orbiting satellite. So perfect were all of these simulations that the momentary blackout when the module was supposed to be behind the moon was faithfully reproduced.

Planning and special projects: This department was charged with the overall responsibility for the planning and direction of the simulation. They also undertook (an appropriate word) to cover up any errors of theirs or any other ASP group.

Using the proven principles of the PERT system (a U.S. Navy method for coordinating many different activities simultaneously), this group generated a flexible but effective plan of action. It included such elements as the favourable publicity released through all media.

PASP was the most important arm of ASP. They ensured that fee if any questions would be asked. If questioners persisted, they found themselves deluged with offers they couldn’t refuse.

Did you know? Once the launch was out of sight, the vehicle travelled a sub-orbital trajectory to the south polar sea and jettisoned

How electric data was transmitted worldwide

Once the Saturn was out of sight and until the capsule “returned”, all evidence of the “flight” was in the form of electromagnetic waves. These, of course, are simple to simulate and transmit. Any or all of the four systems described below could have been employed. Others may have been used, but these appear to be the most logical.

Leased phone connections: The basic system was provided by direct wire connections interspersed with microwave transmissions. All were basically Bell System communications on a CIA basis: no monitors or total “hands off*’ by the lessors.

At the input were, of course, the synchronized tape decks that provided the complete moon landing simulation. It should be noted that these included the response and “recommendations” of Mission Control at Houston. In other words, these tapes were not just transmissions from the moon — they included all audio and the simulated video from the moonset. Thus, Mission Control at Houston and all other communicators were speaking into essentially dead mikes.

Data sent into oscilloscopes, graphic recorders and TV screens showing data displays, computer recording banks, were all from this one master tape. Experience for this masterful presentation was derived from decades of soundtrack effort for both motion pictures and TV presentations of science fiction adventures.

Low-frequency transmitters: Unknown to most Americans is the existence of an ultra-low frequency transmission station in a northwestern state. This facility is used to broadcast messages to submerged nuclear submarines. The radio waves sent by this station are so long they are lethal to humans if the latter is adjacent to the transmitter. This permits automatic security.

Also, the receivers are of special design, and few amateurs would even dream of receiving this type of broadcast. Therefore, ULF was used as a backup to the other methods of transmitting Apollo simulation data of all types.

The most sophisticated method was microwave satellite to microwave. As a backup, a special satellite contained a tape unit that could be triggered by the ASP control station at Mercury. Thus, there was redundance to the redundancy.

The significance of the Apollo project hoax

Apollo as a 20th-century pyramid.

Was the Apollo project, real or otherwise, simply a gadget? Was it really one of the means that the controllers use to retain their control? The author thinks the answer to that is yes. However, it was more than just a 30-billion-dollar astrophysical toy; it was a replacement for a shooting war.

As Shakespeare so wisely said, “Sweet are the uses of adversity.” Although the Apollo project was adverse in the sense that it did little more than give employment to many people and advance certain sectors of science, it did allow the present warfare state to maintain the economy without killing a lot of people.

In that respect, the Apollo was a “good” project. But viewed from the present day of $1 per loaf of bread and 50 cents a pound of sugar, it was really only a stopgap measure; one designed to maintain control for a few more years while the controllers worked on more lasting schemes.

Apollo simulation as a prestige preserver (Astropolitics).

Since the end of WWII, when the U.S. was dominant in the world power race, it has sought to maintain that position. To be truly first, one must be first in everything: standard of living, health, number of cars and TV sets, science and technology, packages of Trix consumed per day by hapless 9-year–olds...

Thus, when Kennedy made this fateful commitment for the U.S., i.e., we’ll place a man on the moon before the decade is out — he unwittingly troweled down a foundation of sand for NASA and its greedy proselytes.

Even though the budget for Apollo was high and probably even higher than anyone admits, it was a cheap hype to further befuddle the world’s masses as to the alleged eminence of the U.S. in all fields.
“The statement must be made unequivocally that it has been the Department of Defense, not NASA that has called the shots in America’s space program. This is true despite the fact that NASA’s astronauts have dominated the public’s image of space projects. Not only is NASA’s “open” program defense-oriented, but there has always been, concealed from public view, a vigorous Defense Department space program.” ~ Authors of “Mission To The Moon”
This startling statement precedes a long and detailed description of how DOD has hoaxed the public into thinking that space projects were peace projects. For more information, the author recommends the book itself.

Apollo simulation to justify the great expense.

When people make a junket to Las Vegas and spend (or lose) a lot of money, they don’t really mind it if they enjoy themselves and really believe that it was worth it.

But if they feel cheated, they are obviously going to consider another trip very carefully. The success of Las Vegas as an entertainment center for the world is based on giving the customer something for his money: the thrill of gambling, even winning for a short time; seeing world-famous performers in person (something to tell the folks back home); eating excellent food at prices often below cost and generally experiencing aspects of life that are definitely not found in Grand Rapids or Downey.

When the commitment was made to go to the moon, the public was reasonably convinced that the venture was scientifically and monetarily worthwhile. In other words, if men landed on the moon, the public would consider the money well spent.

However, if there were any more cremations on the ground, more engines that didn’t start when they should, more near drownings (a la Grissom), there would be hell to pay. This hell would not include NASA, but all the politicians who perform handmaiden tasks for NASA and related agencies. Thus, there was no chance for error; the mission was far too risky to undertake in reality, it simply had to be simulated to justify the enormous costs involved.

Furthermore, the simulation, while much less chancy, had to be perfect. But as we’ve seen, this presented far fewer problems since lots of money buys lots of silence. On the other hand, ten billion dollars wouldn’t buy the opening or closing of a single critical control valve if the LEM actually did descend to the moon’s surface.

Did you know? Apollo project gave employment to many people and advance certain sectors of science; it did allow the warfare state to maintain the economy without killing a lot of people.


When viewed from many standpoints, as a “pyramid”, astropolitics, a justification for great expenditures, and finally, or as a military venture, the Apollo project looms as a most formidable entity.

It is understandable why ASP was a high priority project, and why, to this day, there is virtually nothing available to dispute the hoax. Nothing that is, until this book was written.

The Apollo story is not yet finished. It is hoped that this preliminary speculation will engender other research efforts not only to uncover concealments but to ultimately turn over every stone and let the bright light of investigation reveal what Truth Is and what is not.

As Satchidananda says, “Give up a drop and gain the whole ocean.” Take command, free yourself from convention, from the false guidance of accepted platitudes. Break free! Stop living a lie, a hoax; stop being swindled of the most precious thing you have... Your time on earth. As Henry James said, “Live all you can; it’s a mistake not to. It doesn’t matter what you do in particular, so long as you have had your life. If you haven’t had that, what have you had? The right time is any time that one is still so lucky as to have.